Born in Busia Kenya, Wallace is an experimental visual artist based in Nairobi. Wallace recently co-founded Kijani artist collective. Wallace uses an array of materials and techniques to visualize his message and thoughts. Most recently, Wallace won the ‘Manjano 2018’ first prize.
Wallace uses reclaimed materials to form his conversation. In a world where so much is thrown away, he asks himself questions on the intrinsic value what is being represented in glossy magazines and the like.
The homo sapiens depicted in those magazines, what are they about? What are we actually looking at? Are those faces the real thing? Is there more what meets the eye?
If we peel away the layers of the superficial reality, and throw away those masks, will there be another reality?
In these works, Wallace seems to veil the depicted figures with the actual meaning that might lay beyond, in that way revealing the factual underlying value of the luxury tales.
The real story might well be less glossy and more human.